Production management and Quality control are key features in any company producing high quality products and providing outstanding service. We utilize world-class modern production management and Quality control, while continuing to import the most advanced equipment. With superior technology and innovative management, the company has grown into one of the largest static sealing manufacturers in China.
All of the testing methods meet relevant international standards and GB standards. Test data can be processed by computer automatically including data collection, report generation and printing, all at an international standard.
AIGI Environmental Inc. is one of the few companies in the local gasket industry which has an integrated test laboratory center for sealing devices. More than 60 percent of its equipment is imp- orted or self-developed. In our static sealing test center, there is a full range of testing instruments including:
*German pressure testing equipment, for compressive strength testing of gasket material ,
*pressure test pumps, mainly for testing a gasket’s hydraulic pressure limits,
*universal test machine, for testing tensility,
*compression and bending performance machines,
*Non-metallic gasket compression testing machine, for testing rebound performance of non-metallic gaskets, among others.